In class we learned that sensation is
defined as the signals received by our organs through the five senses (sight,
hearing, smell, taste & touch). And
perception is how we experience those sensations.
The Gestalt psychologists, in an
attempt to explain how we perceive objects, believed that we group things
together in order to interpret information more easily, i.e. we use heuristics
to understand the world around us. For example, the law of similarity explains
that when we see a row of dots we refer to it as a “row of dots,” rather than
repeating “dot” as many times as there are dots in the row.
Perception is influenced by our
knowledge of regularities in the environment, for example: if you were to look
at a picture of a tree, with half of it cropped out, you would probably know
that the object in the picture was a tree. How? Because of our knowledge of
certain physical regularities that occur in the physical properties of the
environment -- you know that trees in nature have whole, round, large trunks,
and branches and leaves on both sides. Just because you cannot see the other
half of the tree does not mean it doesn’t exist.
The information the stimulus is giving
us (bottom-up processing) is that there is half of a tree. Then your top-down processing
acknowledges what you know about trees: trees do not grow in such a way to only sprout
on one side of it, nor are there any living
tree trunks out there that are split down the middle. So you know that the
picture must be cropped.
Think of waiting at the bus stop and
seeing the bus coming, but its way far, down the road. It looks small, you
could even cover it up with your thumb if you close one eye, but you know it’s
not the small size it appears from a distance because you know there are people
on there and that there is still plenty of room left to hold you. You realize
that things do not change size just because it appears so. It may appear small
from a distance, but that does not mean it is actually small; this is size
consistency. All of these concepts occur without us actively thinking about
Your explanation of size consistency using the visual of the bus from far away is great! Our perception helps us to understand that even though an object looks small from far away, we understand that it does not change size. The bus doesn't change size, it just gets closer and more easily visible.