Monday, October 14, 2013

What are you REALLY saying?

                 This week in class we discussed the psychology of language. However, what we looked over was the psychology of body language. As someone with a personal interest in body language, this is a topic I chose to delve into deeper. 

                By watching the above video, you can allegedly learn how to become “a human lie detector.” Now this may sound somewhat outrageous, but the study of body language is not entirely pseudoscience. Research results have actually shown some great promise and it is through these results, media acknowledgements, and personal experience that I will describe the psychology of body language.

                One main focus point for those interested in body language actually stems from political debates and public opinions. As a psychology and political science double major, I absolutely love watching political debates. When you watch a debate, you probably try hard to focus on the questions being asked and the responses being given. However, subconsciously you are also paying attention to the body language of the debaters; if the speaker’s opponent is making faces, rolling his/her eyes, making exasperated or aggravated noises, etc. You pick up on these things with or without actively trying to.

                  In a study done by Seiter et al. in 1998, viewers had more positive attitudes toward the speaker when the speaker’s opponent displayed visible disagreement by rolling his eyes, shaking his head, etc. When they witnessed this they were far more likely to rate the speaker higher in competence, character, sociability, and composure. This study shows that even without focusing on body language, negative body language draws our attention and evokes psychological and emotional responses. Another study done by Seiter in 2001 showed that the same behaviors can even lead viewers to believe the speaker’s opponent is deceptive and thus that the speaker is truthful. 

                 If you have ever watched the show “Lie to Me” (and if you have not you absolutely should!), then you would see a lot of cases of assessing body language, especially through facial ticks and expressions and cues. In the show they often point to real examples (often of politicians) and give legitimate explanations of what these subconscious signals mean. There are a lot of aspects of our body language that are subconscious and therefore virtually uncontrollable. For example, depending on who we are talking to, subconsciously our blink rate can alter to show that we may be emotionally or physically interested in the person we are talking to, or even that we are lying or nervous. However, it does not come close to ending there. Other eye mannerisms, such as the direction we are looking, can also give way to information. It is believed that if someone is looking to the left, it means they are reminiscing or trying to remember something. On the other hand, if someone is looking to the right it could mean they are lying or trying to make something up (note the meaning of directions can change if the subject is left-handed).

                However, this only examines eye cues (and not even all of them!). Another interesting thing about body language is how people try to consciously use it or be aware of it to hide things or deceive. For example, a common occurrence with people (I’m guilty of this myself) includes putting a very active effort into hiding emotions, i.e. smiling to hide if you are upset. We also try to be actively aware of other’s body language in hopes of understanding what our significant others, professors, or friends really mean (though without the appropriate training, background, and research, we often do this incorrectly). Poker players are known for their “poker face:” which is being actively aware of their own facial cues and those of others in hopes of deceiving their opponents. People who are arrested (especially on television) try to keep a straight face and use very little body language in hopes of deceiving the police and hiding their actual thoughts and feelings, but to the trained eye this is unsuccessful. We cannot control every single aspect of our body language. Think about this the next time you’re entering a poker match or trying to tell your significant other “No, I did not cheat on you” or tell your parents “No, I have no idea who broke that!” Or perhaps if you are someone’s roommate and want to be civil and maybe even kind, don’t let your body language deceive your façade. For all you know, the person you are talking to is going to be far more aware than you expect them to be. Especially if they just read this post.

articles referenced for this post:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kaci,

    I found your post to be really interesting. Specifically the part about political debates, I never would have guessed that disagree with your body like rolling your eyes when your opponent is speaking would have such an effect on the audience.

    I also find that I try to find out whether someone is upset emotionally by studying their body language. And, just a little interesting tid bit about body language is that is someone likes you, then they will point their body in the direct towards you.

    -Chantal McGovern
